It has been a busy few weeks for the Primary Care Network. Our new social prescribing link worker, Tracy Bailey recently joined the PCN team. Tracy is very experienced and it is great to have the Social Prescribing team back up to full capacity, now community groups are running again, for them to help link patients up to. We have also recruited a PCN Business Manager, Nikki Willis, who started this month. Nikki has extensive experience in Social Care as a regional manager, so will bring her knowledge and enthusiasm to our PCN.
We said goodbye to Viv Mussell, our PCN Support Officer on the 15th July. Viv has been fantastic for our PCN over the last year and a half. She has given us a strong foundation from which to build. She has kept us on track, in terms of PCN service development, admin and management, while we have been riding the COVID pandemic wave. I know our teams have been immensely grateful for her dedicated and thorough yet light-hearted approach. It has not been easy to do the business as usual alongside the emerging COVID work, especially when working remotely and 2 days a week, yet she has done it. We wish Viv the very best for the future.
I do hope everyone is well and keeping safe. Thank you for your patience during our vaccine clinics as we continue to manage increased workloads to serve our patient communities to the best of our ability.
Best wishes
Dr Hannah Morgan
Clinical Director and GP at The Elms Medical Practice