Emsworth Covid 19 Vaccine

90,000 vaccine doses given in our community

The COVID Vaccination Programme across Havant Borough has now delivered over 90,000 vaccinations. 32,500 at Emsworth Baptist Church and 20,450 at Hayling Health Centre. When we read the evidence about how it has successfully reduced transmission, as well as reduced hospitalisation and death we should all feel very proud of the huge contribution we have made.

It has been an amazing achievement and one our communities have been very grateful for. These have not just been at our sites, but in all our care homes and housebound patients too. Our rates are within the top 20 CCGs in the country and no parts of our population across the Havant Borough have been left behind. The rewards are in the lives saved, falling rates and the rise in community spirit and appreciation. It has been achieved through hard work, focus, sheer determination and collaboration. However, it is important to recognise it has also been an immensely challenging time, hugely disruptive and asked us to ask more of our teams when life is hard, with barely anything functioning normally. Though we know it’s worthwhile, I also know we now face the daunting task of second doses, finishing off the first doses and continuing to keep primary care open for business. All while blending this with our non-working lives, which we are desperate to claw back to some sort of normality. Achieving and maintaining the right pace feels like a tight rope, but I have been personally grateful for honesty, forgiveness and smiles. So much of this Covid Vaccination Programme has been out of our control, yet we have achieved so much together working with two neighbouring PCNs. It’s been a tough Winter, but the outcomes from our vaccination clinics have been impressive. Total team effort in the heart of our communities. Thank you!